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About Britts Pet & Animal Taxi
We offer a simple transport service for your pet we can transport a family of pets to and from your home or business to kennels Catteries vets Specialist vets , airport or new home meet the interstate transporters or help you ship your pets to another state. Our transport service is for one to multiple pets at a time. WE offer Rabbit only PET BOARDING . NSW statewide deliveries of over larger distances. Door to door service . provided by appointment.
Air-conditioned vans
Long distance door to door pet transport
Advance bookings
Airport transfers
Quarantine airport transfers
Vet trips
Vet transportation
Kennel transport
Rabbit boarding
Pick up
Rabbit boarding only
Pet transport
Pet chauffeur
Animal taxi specialists
Long distance road trips
4.8 rating
12 reviews
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Ways to Pay
ABN: 11285084607
Best Pet Transport in the Master Dog Breeders Awards� for 2012, 2013 and 2014
Nominated as Finalist for Central Coast Business Awards in 2019.
Pet Business of the Month� for June 2012 PIAA
Britt Clapson (Owner/Manager)
TAFE Qualified Animal Nurse/Zookeeper
Certificate in Animal First
Dog Behaviour Certificate
Dangerous Dog Handling Certificate by Steve Austin
Pets Australia Member
MDBA - Master Dog Breeders and Associates Member
Bullmastiff Club NSW, VIC and SA Member
Rescue Coordinator for Bullmastiff Rescue Aust
Frequently Asked Questions
Why is it essential that I pre book?
We like to schedule our day to benefit our customers as well as our business and make hay while the sun shines, in other words, make as much money as we can to cover our lean periods.
Can I travel with my pet?
Mostly yes, although we are here especially for pets and on some occasions you can only travel when your pet is on board. For example, when surrendering your pet we can only take you to the organisation you are surrendering to. You will need to organise your transport home.
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