Buffalo Turf Supplies
Trading for 23 years
About Buffalo Turf Supplies
For a fresh-looking lawn all year round, let Buffalo Turf Supplies do the work for you. We offer a variety of buffalo turf and hay supplies in Coffs Harbour. All our products are guaranteed to be of premium quality and best for all your lawns and gardens. In addition, you can rely on our full range of garden maintenance jobs as well as our services for your decks and pergolas. We make wood-fire pizza ovens as well. With over 55 years of combined experience in the industry, our team of fully qualified tradespeople guarantees exceptional landscaping and gardening work. Our experience is a collection of all the necessary and relevant skills to provide exceptional service and solutions for every household and commercial client. We specialise in locally grown premium soft leaf and buffalo turf in Coffs Harbour offered at competitive prices. For added aesthetics to your premises, you can also come to us for retaining walls, paving, site preparation and quality topsoil and underlay. At Buffalo Turf Supplies, we make sure that all our work complies with industry standards in order to bring utmost customer satisfaction. Established in 2002, our longevity in the business is another proof of the level of service we provide to every customer. Get in touch for a free quote from Buffalo Turf Supplies today.
Buffalo turf
Premium soft leaf turf
Garden maintenance
Wood-fire pizza ovens
Our premium buffalo turf is locally grown
Buffalo turf supply
Retaining walls
Garden care
Buffalo turf supply coffs harbour
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is buffalo turf?
Buffalo turf, also known as buffalo grass, is a type of warm-season grass that is popular for lawns due to its durability and ability to withstand harsh weather conditions. It is known for its broad, dark green blades and dense growth, which creates a lush appearance.
What are the advantages of using buffalo turf?
Buffalo turf has several advantages, including: Drought tolerance: Buffalo grass is known for its ability to withstand drought conditions and requires less water compared to other grass varieties. Wear resistance: Buffalo turf is highly durable and can handle heavy foot traffic, making it suitable for active lawns and play areas. Low maintenance: It generally requires less maintenance compared
Buffalo Turf Supplies