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About Burstall Business & Marketing Consultancy
Burstall Business and Marketing Consultancy specialises in resume, selection criteria and cover letter compiling and creation. If you need help with your resume, or just want your resume reviewed, been made redundant or are re-entering the workforce we can help. We offer secretarial and typing services, you may be an established business, but don't want to employ someone full-time or part-time, have you considered employing a Consultant/Virtual Assistant to work on a particular project or assist with secretarial work? We also offer services in advertising, marketing, promotions and events if you need help advertising your product or service, or a promotion, upcoming event or expo. Specialise in Executive Assistance; Business Development; Project Management; Administration; Marketing; Advertising; Sales; Prospecting; Cold Calling etc.
Resumes, Selection Criteria & Covering Letters
Secretarial & Typing Services
Virtual Assistance
Work remotely from home office for other Entrepreneurs, small to medium sized businesses
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Direct Debit
ABN 79 801 314 280
Burstall Business & Marketing Consultancy