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About Cairns Audiology Group
The Cairns Audiology Group is a locally owned and independent private audiological practice servicing Cairns and the surrounding regional centres. We employ university trained Audiologists to deliver the highest level of audiological care. We offer a wide range of hearing services including comprehensive diagnostic hearing assessments for all ages and a comprehensive range of hearing instruments and assistive listening technologies, drawing from a wide range of hearing instrument manufacturers and suppliers. We also provide FREE to client rehabilitative services (fitting and servicing of hearing aids and assistive listening devices) to eligible pensioner and veterans under the Commonwealth Hearing Services Program. Our goal is to offer our clients the most comprehensive, current and individually customised audiological advice delivered by your local hearing specialists.
Hearing aids
GN Resound
Cochlear BAHA
Hearing aid batteries - Size 10 Zinc Air, Size 312 Zinc Air, Size 13 Zinc Air & Size 675 Zinc Air
Hearing aid battery tester
Hearing aid moisture management kits
Hearing aid dehumidifier
Assistive Listening Devices - Sennheiser
Custom noise plugs (Industrial & Shooting)
Custom musicians plugs (Filter attenuated)
Custom swim plugs (Water excluding)
Earwrap (Swimming headband)
Comprehensive hearing assessments for infants & children
Comprehensive hearing assessments for adults
Hearing aid fitting, adjustment, servicing & repairs
Free to client services for eligible pensioners & veterans (conditions apply)
Industrial & pre-employment hearing tests
Custom Ear Plugs (noise, musicians & swim)
Auditory processing assessments
Tinnitus assessment, rehabilitation & management
Assistive listening devices fitting
Active communication education & training
Electrophysiological assessments
Balance function assessments
Commonwealth Hearing Services Program
Diagnostic hearing assessments
Cochlear BAHA (Bone Anchored Hearing Aid) pre candidacy assessments
Transient Evoked Otoacoustic Emissions (TEOAEs)
Distortion Product Otoacoustic Emissions (DPOAEs)
Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)Electrocochleography (ECochG)Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials (VEMP)
Videonystagmography (VNG)
Sound Level Testing (Liquor Licencing)
Custom ear plugs
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Ways to Pay
University trained audiologists with a MAudSA(CCP) from Audiology Australia. The Audiological Society of Australia awards the Certificate of Clinical Practice (CCP) to Audiologists who have attained full membership of the ASA & who have completed a Clinical Internship. Audiologists who meet these requirements & who participate in a Continuing Professional Development program, monitored by the ASA are entitled to use the letters MAudSA(CCP).
Cairns Audiology Group