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About Cairns Termite Specialists
Once you have decided to purchase a property the first inspection you require is the "Timber Pest Report To Buyer". You may have this report before you sign a contract or after a signature with a clause inserted, Subject To. IT IS CRITICAL THAT YOU HAVE THIS INSPECTION CARRIED OUT PRIOR TO A STRUCTURAL REPORT. If there is a Termite problem then you are not spending money on a structural report in the event that you may wish to cancel the contract. We allow you the option of one report or both at the same time. Cairns Termite Specialists, is solely dedicated to Termite Professional control procedures. We provide Termite management advice & assistance to building owners. This service emerged from our half-century of experience in controlling Termites. We focus on Inspections, Prevention & Treatments for termites to all properties. We recommend and provide scheduled 6 or 12 monthly Termite inspections. Cairns Termite Specialists set the standards in Termite control in Cairns by sheer thoroughness with our inspections And our quick follow-through with affordable quotations, recommendations and treatments. You owe it to yourself to obtain a professional Termite inspection before you commit to any property purchase. "Timber Pest Inspection" A Termite report from our team is your guarantee of being fully informed on all details before you commit to purchase. After hours service is available.
Fipronil toxic dusting
Physical barriers
Ventilation fitments
Building treated timbers
Drainage piping & fittings
insect growth regulators
Fipronil foam
Fipronil Termiticide
SHERWOOD chemicals
Termite inspections
Reports owner or buyer
Control (active termites)
Termite control
Termite treatments
Termite preventions
Management plans & systems
Termite control procedures
Treatment of infestations
Free advice
Technical information
All contractors organised
Entomology, technology, engineering termite control
Free help & quotes
Free service periods
Any insect pest problem
Cairns termite specialists
Independently owned & locally operated
Assist in any matter relating to Termites
Inexpensive & affordable quality professional termite services
Enquiries welcome anytime
Inspection reports
Guaranteed work
Pre-purchase inspections
Pre-purchase building inspections
Application certificates
Existing homes
Over 55 years' experience
One million dollar warranty
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Edmonton QLD
Ways to Pay
Direct Debit
QBSA: 73384
No Restrictions to Pesticide & Fumigation Licences
Environmental Health Lic: 3841
Qualified Builder
Qualified Engineer
Frequently Asked Questions
How long will treatment take? What's involved?
Our Technician will determine the requirements on initial inspection. There are no set rules. Each service follows its own course of action. How long a treatment takes depends on various factors, many of them unpredictable. An estimate only can be given. Access to all sectors of the building is essential.
Is it safe?
Pesticides used by Cairns Termite Specialists are registered with the relevant authorities and have been tested using the LD50 Testing program. No products used by our Technicians have been deemed dangerous to family or pets. No side effects have been reported.
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