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About Carroll & O'Dea Lawyers Canberra
Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers, established more than 120 years ago, is a modern firm built on strong foundations of providing expert advice and robust advocacy for our clients. Our longevity has its roots in our continuing commitment to providing all our clients with the highest level of service, skill and legal expertise across all aspects of the law, be it Business, Personal, Compensation or Community & Associations. Our strength is that we continue to evolve, uniting our family traditions with the latest in legal knowledge and skills that benefit each and every client. And because we’re respected wherever we go, that means your matter is always in the right hands. Carroll & O’Dea Lawyers, when it matters.
Compensation Law
Class Actions & Product Liability
Comcare Claims
Disability Claims
Dust Diseases
Income Protection Disputes
Inquests & Inquiries
Medical Negligence
Mine Injuries
Motor Vehicle Accidents
Professional Negligence
Public Liability
Sexual, Physical & Institutional Abuse
Workplace Injuries & Accidents
Business Law
Administration & Insolvency
Building & Construction Disputes
Business Formation & Transactions
Business Regulation
Co-Investor & Partnership Agreements
Commercial Disputes
Financial Services
Intellectual Property & Entertainment Law
International Transactions & Disputes
Legal Project Management
Management & Services Contracts
Shareholders & Partnerships
Property & Development
Workplace Health & Safety
Workplace Law
Workplace Relations
Superannuation & Trusts
Unfair Dismissal & Discrimination
Community & Associations
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Ways to Pay
Frequently Asked Questions
How do you charge?
We are happy to do fixed charges for work where our time spent won’t be affected by others. Where time spent is beyond our control, we will charge on an hourly rate, but first provide an estimate to the client. This also puts an expectation on us to be as efficient as practical.
What is Intellectual Property?
Intellectual Property (IP) refers to a collection of legal rights over various creations of the mind ranging from new inventions and artistic works to symbols and names used in trade. It can also refer to information that is of competitive value to a business. Frequently encountered categories of IP rights include: copyright, trade mark, patent, industrial design, and confidential information.
Carroll & O'Dea Lawyers Canberra