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About Cashman Joanne – Kinesiology
Our bodies each have an 'inner wisdom' that is completely aware of what makes us feel balanced, centered, healthy and happy. Factors such as poor diet, work related stress, relationship or financial problems, physical or emotional abuse, injury or trauma, and daily stress can all impact on our health and overall well-being. This is where Kinesiology (pronounced Kin-easy-ology) can help. A non-invasive, holistic, natural health care therapy, Kinesiology aims to balance the whole person and can be used to address a range of health related issues. Kinesiology is suitable for all age groups - babies, children, teenagers, adults and the elderly. Muscles testing simply involves applying gentle pressure to a limb - such as your arm, for example - and asking a series of 'yes/no' response questions. A muscle's resistance to the gentle pressure (known as bio-feedback) helps a kinesiologist to identify imbalances or blockages in the body. Treatments such as physical therapy, acupressure, flower essences, counseling, and nutritional support may then be combined, or used individually, to help unblock or correct any imbalances.
Nutritional Supplements
Essential Oils
Bach Flower Essences
Bush Flower Essences
Natural Health Care for the whole family
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Cashman Joanne – Kinesiology