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About Castle Newcastle
Castle Newcastle provides employment services to job seekers and employers throughout the Newcastle area. Our Disability Employment Services team supports people with injury, illness or disability find and keep a job in Newcastle, and helps local businesses recruit skilled, loyal and diverse teams. We're proud to have helped more people with disabilities find a job and live meaningful lives, than any other organisation operating in Newcastle, the Hunter and Central Coast region. We understand intimately what it takes to transform the lives of the people we support, because we've been doing it successfully for many years. If you're looking for work, want to build an inclusive workforce, or need unique, tailored NDIS programs, talk to Castle Newcastle.
Disability Employment Services
Supports People with Injury, Illness or Disability Find & Keep a Job
Helps Local Businesses Recruit Skilled, Loyal & Diverse Teams
Job Seeker Training & Qualifications
School Leavers
Support to Keep Your Current Job - Work Assist
Career Advice
Employment Preparation
Resume Development
Job Searching
oing Support at Work (If You Require It)
Funding for Necessary Workplace Modifications
Wage Subsidies to Employers
Support to Navigate Career Options
Job Readiness & Employment Training
Utilise Your NDIS Plan if You Have One
Assistance to Connect with Specialist Partners to Address Personal Barriers
Support to Explore & Apply for Subsidised Tertiary Education (TAFE, University)
Support to Access Apprenticeships, Traineeships, Volunteering & Work Experience Opportunities
Access to NDIS Support (If Appropriate)
Access to NDIS Support (If Appropriate )
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Frequently Asked Questions
How does Disability Employment Services (DES) work?
Disability Employment Services (DES) will allow you to choose a provider who will help you find work and support you in your new role. It is a government-funded scheme designed to ensure every Australian has the opportunity to work.
Can I choose the person we hire?
Castle will take the time to understand your needs and to match candidates to these. We seek to find the right person who is the right fit for your business and present you with a shortlist.
Castle Newcastle