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About Cerebral Palsy Alliance Nowra Centre
Cerebral Palsy Alliance provides family-centred therapies, life skills programs, equipment and support for people and their families living with cerebral palsy and other neurological and physical disabilities. At CPA our priority is to help babies, children, teenagers and adults living with neurological and physical disabilities lead the most comfortable, independent and inclusive lives possible. Our therapy teams work with individuals and families to maximise their participation in the community.
Early Childhood Interventions
Intensive Therapy Programs
Supported Independent Living
Short Term Accommodation
CPA Telepractices
NDIS Providers
Swim Camps
Gym Programs
Hydrotherapy Programs
School Holiday Programs
Sports Programs
Youth Workshops
Communication & Self Care
Equipment Fitting & Provision
Mobility & Physical Activity
Cerebral Palsy Research
Consultancy Internationally
Recreational Activities
Therapy Services
Occupational Therapy
Speech Pathology
Exercise Physiology
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Cerebral Palsy Alliance Nowra Centre