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About Change Your Life Now
My name is Roula and I am a Holistic Health Therapist. In my business as the name says, I focus on helping people change their lives for the better. I use several modalities - Reiki Healing Hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy, Neuro Linguistic Coaching, Kinesiology and Life Coaching, depending on the client and their needs. The work i do is not a quick fix process, but with each session, we can achieve breakthroughs. We do go deep into working with the Unconscious mind, to uncover the layers and find understanding and learning and consequently empowerment. I have a degree in Social Science from the University of Natal- Durban, I have studied with the Institute of Oneness Integration and the NK Institute of Neuroenergetic Kinesiology. I have many years experience in running my own businesses but moved to full time working as a Therapist in 2019. My experience in life, my migration to Australia from Zambia, my Greek, African cultural background, has given me a great understanding of life and the journey or our Souls on this earth having a Human experience. Join me on your journey of understanding your challenges, dealing with your past traumas that you carry, and learn to embrace the journey of life, with wisdom, abundance and joy.
Reiki Healing
Gastric Band Hypnosis
Timeline Therapy
Wellness Packages
Non Smoking Hypnosis
Neuro-Energetic Kinesiology
Free Back Up Sessions
Alternative & Holistic Health Service
Life Coaching Programs
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