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About Charlestown East Educational Preschool
Our Newcastle childcare centres provide a unique kindergarten-like environment. Charlestown East Educational Preschool is a private Child Care Centre in the township of Newcastle. The Preschool has maintained high quality care for both children and families for the past 30 years. The Centre has a licence for 30 children, we cater for children between 3 years and school. The Service operates to within its determined capacity, mostly due to families support and for their recommendations. The Centre is structured to meet modern and traditional teaching methods in compliance with the Department of Community Service - Children Service.
Child care
Small class size
High quality accreditation
Daily writing, music & craft program
School readiness program
Highly experienced, qualified & motivated staff
Child care benefit available
Preschool/school readiness
3-6 yrs child care
Early literacy & numeracy programs
Qualified & experienced teachers
Promoting confidence & creativity
Computer, language & science programs
Singing & musical instrument play
5 rating
3 reviews
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Ways to Pay
Direct Debit
Licence for 36 children
High Quality Accreditation
Certificate of Excellence from Three Best Rated
Charlestown East Educational Preschool