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About Chiro-Muscular
Chiro-Muscular is a leading Darwin chiropractor, based in Palmerston. We specialise in treating musculoskeletal conditions. We can provide the chiropractic care you require, whether it's for rehabilitation after a sports injury or post-operative procedure, or for chronic pain conditions. Don't suffer with joint, muscle and nerve pain. Our specialised treatments help reduce pain and inflammation for disc sciatica and other back, neck and shoulder problems. For permanent conditions, we not only provide treatment but also explain how you can better manage the pain. To treat musculoskeletal conditions more effectively, we incorporate the advanced technology of MLS Laser Therapy. The MLS Laser has been clinically tested and proven to offer a range of benefits including: faster wound healing, cell growth and tissue repair, more effective trigger point and acupuncture point stimulation, improved nerve function and increased metabolic activity and anti-inflammatory properties. Contact the Darwin chiropractor team at Chiro-Musuclar in Palmerston for treatment of your musculoskeletal conditions today.
Chiropractic services
Physical therapy
Rehabilitation exercises
Joint and muscle pain
Nerve pain
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Member of Chiropractic Association of Australia