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About Choose a Better Life
Bridges Psychology Practice has been helping those facing mental illness, addiction and phobias by providing compassionate psychology services in Bundaberg since 1998. When life gets difficult there is always help at Bridges Psychology Practice. Our fully accredited health practitioners provide their expertise in psychology services, mental health programs, drug and alcohol counselling, youth mental health programs, drink driving programs and family support programs. We take a special interest in providing Bundaberg mental health programs to give our patients the tools necessary to help overcome their hardships. Our team also specialise in drug and alcohol addiction programs. These programs are designed to identify the cause of the addiction and provide guidance, advice and goals to help our patients through their addiction to a more positive lifestyle. From counselling through to serious mental illness and complex needs, our Bundaberg psychologists are committed to helping all our patients achieve a happier, healthier life. At Bridges Psychology Practice, we believe our patients have the right to choose their own path to recovery, which is why we listen to their needs to tailor our programs to suit specific goals. We help shed light on issues so our patients can better understand the problem. Together, we will find the best way to help our patients overcome their issues. Is it time to take the first step for seeking help? Call us today at our Bundaberg psychology clinic.
Psychology services
Mental health programs
Drug and alcohol counselling/programs
Youth mental health programs
Drink driving programs
Family support programs
Drug & alcohol addiction programs
Serious mental illness & complex needs treatment
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Accredited health practitioners
Quality certified AS/NZ51509001
Choose a Better Life