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About Christadelphian Ecclesia
Religious organisation. The Bible is the basis of our study and faith. GOD's plan for the earth and the establishment of his Kingdom can be found in your Bible Fellowship Meetings and Study Classes are held each Sunday fortnight commencing at 12:30pm The Things Concerning the Kingdom of God � A promised seed - Genesis 3:15 � A promised land - Genesis 13:14-17 � A promised Kingdom - 2 Samuel 7:12-16 � A promised King on David's Throne - Isaiah 9:6-7 � The Kingdom existed in the past - 1 Chronicles 28:5 � The kingdom overthrown - Ezekiel 21:25-27 � Scattered Israel will be re-gathered - Jeremiah 31:10 � The Kingdom to be re-established - Daniel 7:13-14, 21-27 � It will last forever - Micah 4:6-7 � Its headquarters will be in Jerusalem - Isaiah 62:1-12 � It will fill the whole earth - Daniel 2:35 & 44 � It will be a time of peace and righteousness - Isaiah 65:17-25 The Things Concerning the Name of Jesus Christ � Will re-establish the Kingdom of God - Acts 1:6 � Will rule from Jerusalem - Matthew 5:35 � Is the promised King - Luke 1:31-33 � Born of a virgin - Matthew 1:18, 23 � Is the promised seed - Galatians 3:8 & 16 � Is the Son of God - John 10:36 � Also a human being - Hebrews 2:14 � He was sinless - Hebrews 4:15 � He died to crucify the flesh to open the way of salvation for us - Hebrews 9:11-12, 22-28 � He did so out of love for his Father and us - John 14:31; John 15:13 � He had to be raised from the dead - Acts 2:22-36 � His resurrection is evidence of future resurrection - 1 Corinthians 15:12-23 � He conquered sin (human nature) by his death - 1 John 3:5 & 8 � He is in heaven at the right hand of God - Hebrews 10:12 � He must return to the earth - Acts 1:11 � He will raise the dead at his return - 1 Thessalonians 4:16 � He will judge between the righteous and unrighteous - 2 Timothy 4:1 � Baptism into the name ensures our resurrection - Romans 6:1-9 � Baptism into the name relates us to the promises - Galatians 3:26-29 � Taking on the name means a change of life - Colossians 3:1-17
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Frequently Asked Questions
Should I read my Bible?
Yes, it is the instruction manual for building a relationship with our God
What future does the world have?
The Bible explains God's purpose with the Earth and for mankind. His plan requires individuals to read and learn of this purpose and submit to His will. This allows us to share in the blessings of His Kingdom to be established on Earth.
Christadelphian Ecclesia