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About Christopher Garlick Barrister
About Chris Christopher John Garlick, who is a practicing Barrister at Law and located on the Gold Coast in Queensland Australia has now been at the Queensland Bar since 2006 and is considered a senior barrister. Garlick is well known for his advocacy skills and persuasive mannerisms in the court. Garlick is of the view that when dealing with Cross Examination the task is akin to using Honey' and not Vinegar' Up until 2017, Christopher Garlick worked closely with a very esteemed gentleman, Marcus Jacobs of Her Majesties Counsel up until his death on the 26 February 2017. Mr Jacobs QC taught Garlick very life changing skills, such as to look for what is not in the document' and then see what the legislation requires to be in the document.' Mr Jacobs QC authored many legal books, Arbitration and Construction and many others however Garlick worked closely with Mr Jacobs with building payment disputes and was named within the preface of the 6th edition of the Security of Payment' in the Australian Building and Construction Industry as being a colleague who greatly assisted Mr Jacobs QC.
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