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About Coffee & Counselling
Are you having problems in your relationships, anger management, anxiety, trouble quitting smoking or losing weight? How would you like a confidential and comfortable experience in a relaxed professional atmosphere. Come to 'Coffee and Counselling' where you will be treated with dignity and respect and where we will work together to make positive change to help solve your problems. Whether you prefer traditional Counselling, Hypnotherapy or our Complete Breakthrough Package, your needs will be met and satisfied. We have the service just right for you with Janine at Coffee and Counselling.
Breakthrough Package
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
Client Centred Therapy
Neuro Linguistic Programming
Comfortable safe counselling
Hypnotherapy to Quit Smoking
Hypnotherapy for Relaxation
Confidence and Self Esteem
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Ways to Pay
Direct Debit
Member of Australian Counselling Association
Masters in Guidance and Counselling
Member of the American Hypnotherapy Association
Member of the Neuro Linguistic Programming Association
Coffee & Counselling