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About Coffs RV Storage
Coffs RV Storage operates at 5 Newcastle Drive, Toormina on a 2 hectare FULLY CONCRETED site with state of the art security, including 24 hour surveillance. This facility is arguably the main (and only) dedicated RV (caravans, motor homes, boats, vehicles, trailers) site between Newcastle and Tweed Heads and has been developed to be the best facility on the East Coast. Owners of RV’s can choose between total lock-up, carport or outside storage. Coffs RV storage can arrange a personalised pick up or delivery service for your RV, caravan or boat (this incurs a fee). We also offer a courtesy valet service taking YOU to or from the airport, railway station, bus terminal or your local address, when you leave or pick up your RV (bookings are essential, during office hours only). One of the best reasons for RV, caravan or boat storage is to protect the value of your prized investment. When you weigh up the benefits of having extra space at home the cost of storage becomes minor.
Undercover Storage
Outside Storage
Inside Storage
Boat Storage
Caravan Storage
Car Storage
Motor Home
State of the Art Security
Secure Facility
Courtesy Valet Service
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Ways to Pay
Direct Debit
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I pay for storage fees in Coffs RV Storage?
You can telephone to charge a credit card, send a cheque, arrange a direct debit with your bank or through internet banking or come to the office to pay over the counter. Contact the office for further details.
Where do I pay my storage fees to Coffs RV Storage?
All administration is done on site at 5 Newcastle Drive, Toormina. (See contact details)
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