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About Collina Nursery
Collina Nursery on the Tweed Coast started off specialising in growing staghorn and birdsnest ferns. Collina Nursery has many varieties both species and hybrids some sourced from specialist producers like corn bak in The Netherlands deroose plants and exotic plant from Belgium. Many of those plants are protected and we are not allowed to propagate them.
We Started Off Specialising in Growing Staghorn and Birdsnest Ferns. Collina Nursery Has Many Varieties
Both Species and Hybrids Some Sourced From Specialist Producers Like Corn Bak in The Netherlands
Deroose Plants and Exotic Plant From Belgium
Many of Those Plants Are Protected and We Are Not Allowed To Propagate Them
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ABN: 56 688 572 793
Collina Nursery