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About Confidential Bookkeeping Services
Confidential Bookkeeping Services in Wollongong is your financial stop for affordable and effective bookkeeping solutions. We provide a wide range of bookkeeping and financial consulting services to make sure your business is a tick in terms of payroll, balance sheets, business activity statements (BAS) and taxable payments for annual reports. Confidential Bookkeeping Services specialise in small business, servicing sole traders, partnerships, trust accounts and various companies. When the ATO comes knocking, we'll prepare and lodge BAS, Installment activity statements (IAS) and taxable payments for annual reports (TPAR) so that your business is financially secure, and ready to get on with the day-to-day. We also provide profit and loss reports and cash flows and budgets, just to give you the best insight of your businesses dollars and cents. Call Confidential Bookkeeping Services today for reliable and affordable bookkeeping services with peace of mind.
Business activity statements (BAS)
Installment activity statements (IAS)
Bookkeeping to trial balance
Balance sheet
Profit & loss reports
Cash flows & budgets
Taxable payments annual reports (TPAR)
Excel spreadsheets
MYOB software accounting
Bank, loan accounts, debtor & creditor reconciliations
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Ways to Pay
Registered BAS Agent 94731003
Certified Bookkeeper 371629
ASIC registration
Confidential Bookkeeping Services