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About Consulting Hall
Consulting Hall is a boutique business consultancy specialising in public relations, human resource management and event management. Based in Brisbane and the Gold Coast, Consulting Hall's reach extends along the east coast of Australia, with strong networks and affiliated partners in Sydney, Melbourne and North Queensland.
Media relations and publicity
Social Media
Marketing strategy
Issues and crisis management
Copy Writing
Email marketing
Sponsorship/Alliance Strategies
Business development
Workplace legislative obligations
Workplace agreements and employment contracts
Performance management
Organizational development and training
Redundancy and outplacement
Industrial relations
Human resource systems evaluation
Equity and diversity
Recruitment and selection
Change management
DiSC behavioural profiling
Workers compensation claims management
Events - design and management
Database and invitations
Special and celebrity guests
Scheduling and management
Speech writing
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ABN: 38 130 584 075
Consulting Hall