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About Corewood Pty Ltd
With more than 15 years of combined experience in the industry, the Corewood Pty Ltd team strives to build unique quality new homes on the Tweed Coast that best suit the local environment. Striving to be one of the best new home builders, Corewood provides quality home renovations through unique new house designs and plans and efficient drafting. Our team builds long-lasting eco-homes. We have a qualified draftsman as part of our team. To provide you quality new homes on the Tweed Coast, Corewood has its well-organised engineering team and a capable draftsman, who work on competent constructions and extensions. Our team also does kitchen and bathroom designs and renovations, eco-home constructions and extensions and residential and commercial buildings. Corewood uses only high-quality trade tools, equipment and machinery for drafting and building unique quality homes for market value in the local area. As we also design and build new homes that are environmentally friendly, our team ensures that we work with you from beginning to end to oversee subcontractors and to make the entire process easy, smooth and professional. All our drafts are designed to meet standards and accommodate budget and efficient time frames. They are submitted to the council for applications and approvals. A Master Builders member, Corewood's team is composed of licensed builders, carpenters, metal fabrication engineers, and a qualified AutoCAD draftsman.
The Corewood team offers high-quality home construction products according to your requirements.
Corewood offers home renovations and presenting house designs and plans. We have an efficient drafting process. Our team does kitchen and bathroom design and renovations, eco-home constructions and extensions. We also work on fit-outs and sloping blocks.
Home Design
House Plans
New Homes
Kitchen Design
Kitchen Renovations
Bathroom Design
Bathroom Renovations
Eco Homes
Commercial Builds
Sloping Blocks
We specialise in offering quality trade tools, equipment and machinery for drafting and building quality new homes in Port Macquarie. Our team works efficiently with you from the start to the completion of the project. We make it possible to oversee subcontractors. Through these, we make the whole service easy, smooth and professional.
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Ways to Pay
Master Builder Member
Licensed Builder, Carpenters & Metal Fabrication Engineer
Autocad Draftsman
NSW & QLD Licensed
Australian Apprenticeship Scheme
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