Cosmetic Tattooing
Eyebrow Tattooing
Eyeliner Tattooing
Lip Tattooing
Beauty Spots
Tattoo Corrections
Scar Camouflage
Para Medical Tattooing
Skin Needling
Para-Medical Tattooing
HIFU Skin Tightening
Quality After-Service Care
Over 15 Years Of International Experience
Scalp Micropigmentation
Areola Tattooing
Cool Slimming
BB Glow
4.7 rating
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Frequently Asked Questions
What are the benefits of lip tattooing at CosTATT Clinic?
A cosmetic lipline tattoo can be used to enhance the contour of the lips towards a more pleasant, youthful, even pouty or sensual look. Ideal for people who have no definite lip shape, uneven lips or lips that have lost their shape as a result of cold sores or injury. Colour is implanted in a fine line on the outer edge of the lips, giving a lovely defined shape to the mouth.
Is cosmetic tattooing permanent at CosTATT Clinic??
Strictly speaking, a cosmetic tattoo is a semi-permanent treatment. Over time with exposeure to the environment, creams and as we exfoliate, a cosmetic tattoo will fade. The rate of this faded is dependent on the type of tattoo, recipient's skin qualities and lifestyle and the skill of the technician.
CosTATT Clinic