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About COTA Australia
COTA Australia is the peak policy development, advocacy and representation organisation for older Australians, representing COTAs in every State and Territory and through them over 500,000 older Australians. Additionally, COTA Australia comes together with its eight member organisations’s CEO’s and Presidents in the COTA Federation once a year to discuss our collective futures and directions.
Aged Care for Providers
Consumer Engagement In Aged Care Project
Aged Care Navigators
Aged Care For Consumers
Self-Management In Home Care
MQU Retirement Village Fees & Cost Tool
Non-Profit Organisation Services
Policy Services
Government Relations
Stakeholder Engagement
Media Relations
Retirement Incomes
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Frequently Asked Questions
How is the work of COTA Australia funded?
COTA Australia receives government funding through the Health System Capacity Development Fund and is also funded by levies on each State/Territory COTA organisation. State and Territory COTAs receive funding through a variety of sources including membership.
How does COTA Australia ask for the views of its members?
We solicit the views of our members through OneCOTA magazine, public forums, via COTA volunteers including those on Boards and Policy Councils, mail and email.
COTA Australia