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Meals & Snacks
Creative Learning
School Readiness Program
Child Care Services
Play Based Learning
Art Lessons
Dance Lessons
Music Lessons
Nappy Service
Outdoors Activities
Singing Lessons
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Frequently Asked Questions
Why should we go to a long day care over a preschool?
Long Day Care and Preschool are very similar, the difference is that we are open from 7am - 6pm at Kotara and 6.30am starts for Hunter and Hamilton. We run school readiness programs and the children at Creative Childcare get the opportunity to participate in lots of other free play activities.
How will I know how much my child has eaten today?
Creative Childcare uses the OWNA platform, this allows families to log on and see what their children have eaten, drank, slept and their nappy changes. This is all updated in real time so as soon as our educators update the information you will be able to see.
Creative Childcare Hamilton