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About Creative Language Academy
Chess and language courses for kids and adults. In person and online. One-to-one and small groups. We are a small family school with the goal to enhance the learning of adults and children, providing chess and language classes to develop strategic thinking, multi-tasking, problem solving, to improve the memory, communication skills and to help the mind-opening process. The Chess and Language Academy aims to improve the overall level of chess and languages spoken in Australia and, help foreigners to overcome English difficulties through practical lessons. Small Groups (Max 8 people) - Classes are organised in small groups which benefits the student in promoting self confidence and, caters for their individual learning needs. Online Option - Students can choose to attend online classes from the comfort of their own home, through Skype and Google Hangouts. This may be perfect for companies who want their staff to be trained in a second language from opposite ends of the globe, or individuals who want to better fit learning times into their schedules. Flexible Tutoring - CLA offers flexible scheduling with morning, afternoon, and evening classes available during weekdays and weekends. International Experience - With CLA you will have all the information you need for your next trip. We have travelled many countries in the world and can help you not only with languages but culturally too. If you play chess you can participate in tournaments all around the world and we will be there to support you!
Italian for teens
Spanish for teens
Intensive Italian Course
Intensive Spanish Course
Brazilian Portuguese Classes
Japanese Classes
English Conversation Classes
Online Chess Classes with FIDE Master and Trainer
French & German Classes
Standard Chess or Language course. Small group classes. 12 weeks once a week
Short Intensive Course. 2 weeks, 3 days a week**
Private Tuitions
Business Language Private lessons
Art in Byron - Spanish or Italian. Includes 60 minutes class + workshop
Language Exchange Club
Taste Italian. Includes 60 minutes class + dinner at Italian restaurant
Adventure Byron - English
Aussie Surf - English
Language Travellers course
Salsa cubana Workshop*** - Spanish
Tango Argentino Workshop*** - Spanish
Online one-on-one
Online group classes
Children Classes
Children 3-14 years old. 10 weeks once a week**
***Available only on demand'
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Creative Language Academy