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About Dads4Kids
Dads4Kids is a harm prevention tax-deductible charity founded 1 May 2002, with a mission to turn the tide of fatherlessness. The Dads4Kids Weekly Email Newsletter was launched on Father’s Day the same year, and it continues to this day. Research shows that the Dads4Kids weekly newsletter is the largest, longest-running weekly fatherhood email newsletter in the world. We have reached tens of thousands of men with the message of excellence in fathering. In August 2002, Dads4Kids inaugurated a National TV Community Service Ad Campaign to encourage and inspire Aussie dads. These Excellence in Fathering Campaigns run by Dads4Kids have continued on TV every year, garnering tens of millions of dollars in free advertisements, and have been seen by 21 million Australians, in some cases hundreds of times.
Harm Prevention Charity
Community Services
Courageous Fathering Course
Good to Great Fathering Course
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is Dads4Kids?
Dads4Kids is an organization dedicated to promoting the importance of fathers and father figures in the lives of children. It aims to encourage and support fathers in their role as positive role models, actively involved in their children's lives.
What does Dads4Kids do?
Dads4Kids organizes various programs and initiatives to empower and educate fathers. They offer resources, workshops, seminars, and online materials on topics such as parenting skills, communication, relationship building, and personal development.