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Professional Planning Advice and Due Diligence Appraisals.
Feasibility Analysis.
Application Coordination and Project Management.
Reconfiguration of Lots (Subdivision, Boundary Realignment, Easements, etc.).
Material Change of Use (Secondary Dwelling, Dual Occupancy, Multiple Dwelling, Short-Term Accommodation, Commercial, Education, Extractive Industry, Industrial, Retail, Sport, etc.).
Building Approvals.
Facilitation of Operational Works Applications.
Statutory Public Notification.
Council and Government Liaison and Negotiation.
Development Approval Negotiation.
Change to Development Approvals and Extension of Relevant Periods.
Show Cause and Enforcement Responses.
Calculation of Infrastructure Charges.
Environmentally Relevant Activities.
Road Closures and Licenses.
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Maroochydore QLD
Danya Cook Town Planning