About Darrelle Taylor
Proactive Physiotherapy have been in Cairns for over 20 years and have two clinics for your convenience. Bookings for both clinics can be made by contacting the Edge Hill practice. With expert local physiotherapists who have been delivering quality consistent sports physiotherapy and general physiotherapy treatment services to Cairns residents and holiday makers for over 30 years, the name Proactive Physiotherapy has become synonymous with expert physiotherapy clinic practice and effective physiotherapy techniques to get you pain free faster. By using the latest proven physiotherapy techniques and sports physiotherapy practice, combined with a caring and interested approach to your spinal care and general health, the understanding and very skilled team at the Proactive Physiotherapy Clinic will get you back to your favourite sporting, recreational or work activity faster, safer and in a way that will see you fit and healthier for the longer term.
Pain Conditions
Spinal health
Clinical Pilates
Bounce Back Excercise Program
Actively Aging
Golf Fitness
Women's Health
Men's Health
Office Ergonomic Assessments
Cycling Specific Screening
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Darrelle Taylor