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Dinawans Connection

Trading for 3 years

About Dinawans Connection

Dinawan’s Connection offer a range of entertaining, interactive learning experiences tailored to suit their audience, including performances, workshops, mentoring and cultural education. Dinawan’s Connection have performed at Dance Rites in the Sydney Opera House Forecourt; at Penrith Panthers NRL matches hosted at Carrington Park, Bathurst; at Group 10 Rugby League Indigenous Round; and numerous events in Cowra, Young and surrounding areas. Members of the group have also performed at the Laura Aboriginal Dance Festival in Cape York, Queensland. Our mission is to share traditional Aboriginal dance and culture with everyone and empower the youth through mentoring. We share the old ways, connecting to Country with respect through dance and stories. Dancing has been part of Aboriginal storytelling for thousands of years. Dance is more than an art form, and storytelling is more than entertainment. The stories of the Dreaming are the stories of the lore, teaching people how to live in harmony with each other and the world around them, and instructing people on their individual and collective natural and social responsibilities. Culture is alive and thriving. Cultural teachings are just as relevant today as they have always been, and stories and teachings have continued to be handed down through the generations. These traditions teach many lessons relevant to contemporary Australian society.


  • Counselling

  • Education


  • Youth Service

  • Cultural Education

  • Youth Mentoring

  • Bush Programs


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  • ABN 662823074

Dinawans Connection