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About DJ Hire Cairns
DJ Hire Cairns is home to, DJ Laser (A.K.A - Cairns LightBender) who customises each experience to suit precisely, "Your THEME" be it a birthday, wedding, graduation, or corporate event, or anything at all. Music to Suit the Theme, accompanied by the CUSTOM Laser Display, with Themed Animations programmed into the Lasers to reflect the spirit of the event. Custom LASER Shows can consist of someones favourite things, Say you like Muscle Cars, the Laser show would be created to show Vivid Animations of Muscle Cars, in LASER LIGHT, Sky's the Limit, Just Ask.. We Have over 12000 Watts of Low Frequency Subs We have over 20000mw of Laser Projectors Combined with bubbles, Smoke, and Effects The Audience Does say a Collective "WOW" and remembers the Event for ages...
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