About Dogaholics Dog Training and Behaviour Services
We are a dog training and behaviour service covering the Newcastle and Lake Macquarie areas of NSW. We also do cats! Services we provide are: Puppy Pre-School Training Classes Puppy Training - Private Lessons Adult Dog Training - Private Lessons Adult Dog Behaviour Consultations Assistance and Service Dog Training Public Access Tests for Assistance Dogs Therapy Dog Training Behaviour Assessments for Menacing and Dangerous Dogs deemed by Council School Support Dog Training and assessment Greenhound Assessments for Greyhounds We can also help with the following issues with your dog: Toilet training Pulling on lead Jumping up on people Excessive Barking Digging and chewing Your dog won't come when called Mild separation distress Aggressive behaviours Dog lunging and barking at other dogs Guarding food, toys and other things Fear or anxiety issues Our puppy training classes are progressive, fun and run by fully qualified trainers! Visit us at www.dogaholicsdogtraining.com.au
Private one-on-one dog training
Dog training classes
Dangerous dog declaration assessments
Menacing dog declaration asssessments
Greenhound assessments for Greyhounds
We conduct Greenhound Assessments for Greyhounds
Dangerous Dog Assessments
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Ways to Pay
Direct Debit
Australian Pet Dog Trainers Association Australia (APDTA)
Delta Institute
PPGA (Pet Professional Guild Australia)
Dogaholics Dog Training and Behaviour Services