About Dogtivities
Welcome to Dogtivities, where we are dedicated to helping you and your canine companion build a stronger, healthier relationship. Our comprehensive services begin with an initial assessment to understand the unique challenges you and your dog are facing. Based on this assessment, we tailor individual sessions to address specific issues, ensuring personalized attention and effective solutions. At Dogtivities, we believe that every dog and owner duo is unique, and our goal is to provide you with the tools and guidance needed to foster a harmonious and happy bond with your furry friend. Whether you're dealing with behavioral problems, training challenges, or simply want to enhance your dog's well-being, our expert team is here to support you every step of the way. Join us at Dogtivities, and let's work together to create a better life for you and your dog.
Dog Trainers
Dog Boarding Kennels
Pet Care
Pet Sitting
Dog Parks
Dog Day Care
Puppy Classes
Dog Behavioural Training
Dog Play Group
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Frequently Asked Questions
What does rush at mean?
In relation to a dog, rush at means to approach a person to a distance of less than 3 meters in a menacing manner, displaying aggressive tendencies that may include snarling, growling and raised hackles; Please remember, this interpretation originates by the person who the dog approached, not the handler or owner of the dog.
What must owners of menacing dogs do?
The owner of a menacing dog must notify the Council of the municipal district in which the dog is kept within 24 hours if the dog rushes at or chases a person; or the dog is missing; or the owner’s address changes; or the place where the dog is kept changes; or the ownership of the dog changes.