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About Dynamic Dental @ 486
Dynamic Dental @486 Hilliar & Driver Dental is a Newcastle dental clinic offering general dentistry and orthodontic treatment at competitive prices. Established in 1987, we assist patients in Belmont, Newcastle, Lake Macquarie and the surrounding areas with their dental needs. When you need help with your dental health, trust the team at Dynamic Dental @486 in Belmont. Our team of dentists keep up-to-date with the latest in dentistry technology to provide dental care for patients of all ages. Our general dental services include dental check-ups, x-rays, fillings, extractions, teeth cleaning and polishing. For those needing treatment for problems relating to wisdom teeth we can assist with extraction and if needed, general anaesthetic is available. Our dental hygienist can assist you with advice on how to maintain a healthy mouth and prevent dental decay and gum disease, as well as check your brushing technique. At our Belmont dental clinic we also cater for the treatment of TMJ - temporomandibular joint disorder - a painful problem that affects many areas such as the head, neck, jaw, teeth, face and ear. Our dentists have effectively treated this painful syndrome and brought relief to sufferers with TMJ treatment techniques. Our Lake Macquarie dentists offer orthodontic treatment, such as dentures, implants, braces, crowns and bridges, as well as teeth whitening for those wishing to lighten and brighten the existing colour of their teeth. For emergency dental care, we can assist you with a prompt appointment. To organise your next dental appointment, contact Dynamic Dental @486 today.
Porcelain Veneers
Cosmetic Dentistry
Teeth Whitening
Traditional Braces
Dental Bonding
Paediatric Dentistry
Dental Checkups
Routine Cleans
Teeth Fillings
Tooth Extractions
Emergency Dentist
Injuries & Trauma
Cracked Teeth
Wisdom Teeth
Broken Veneers
Dislodged Crowns
Dislodged Implants
Root Canal Treatment
Preventative Dental Care
X-Rays & Imaging
Oral Health Education
Dietary Counselling
Oral Cancer Checks
Personalised Oral Hygiene
4.5 rating
4 reviews
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Frequently Asked Questions
What are some symptoms of gum disease?
Symptoms of gum disease generally include swollen or bleeding gums, loose teeth, gum recession and bad breath.
How do I prevent my teeth from erosion?
Immediate steps you can take to help mitigate your risk of tooth erosion include drinking plenty of water and reducing your intake of soft drinks, cordials and other high sugar drinks. Regular dental check ups will also help with early detection. Another good tip is to avoid sipping or swishing drinks, drinking through a straw can help counter this and limit contact with your teeth.