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About Earth Logistics
Earth Logistics is a diverse organisation specialising in the restoration and regeneration of land, focusing on the removal of Camphor Laurel and Weeds. Based in Northern NSW, our team covers both New South Wales and Queensland Border Regions. Earth Logistics is a team of highly trained and highly motivated land restoration operators and logging specialists that have serviced the Northern Rivers of New South Wales and South East Queensland for many years. We pride ourselves on our diverse portfolio, including projects in earth works, general hire and bush regeneration in both the rural and commercial sectors, with our focus now being on Land regeneration. In our bush regeneration projects, we pride ourselves on eliminating and eradicating introduced species invading native flora to protect the environment and encourage regeneration
Timber Slabs Available
Camphor Laurel Removal
Rayco Truck Mulching
Truck Maintenance
Bush & Land Regeneration
Track Mulching
Custom Furniture Design & Manufacturing
Commercial & Residential Log Milling
Fire Breaks
Stump Grinding
Track Maintenance
Land Clearing
Land and Bush Generation
Highly Trained
Highly trained
Local business
Highly motivated
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South Murwillumbah NSW
Ways to Pay
ABN 33 603 218 248
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Earth Logistics?
Earth Logistics is a diverse organisation specialising in the restoration and regeneration of land, focusing on the removal of Camphor Laurel and Weeds. Based in Northern NSW, our team covers both New South Wales and Queensland Border Regions.
Are you an professional operators?
Earth Logistics is a team of highly trained and highly motivated land restoration operators and logging specialists that have serviced the Northern Rivers of New South Wales and South East Queensland for many years.
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