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About East Coast Building Approvals
Eastcoast Building Approvals is committed to the highest level of service in Building Certification and the Built Environment, as trusted professionals we provide quality advice and service for all your building certification needs with honesty and integrity. Eastcoast Building Approvals are a qualified professional Building Surveying company specialising in Building Certification. Our company has been licensed for over 13 years to provide integral service throughout all areas of QLD. We were founded by our Managing Director to firstly provide a better understanding of the building code and state building regulations for our clients, and next to provide a honest service in Building Approvals that assist the client and their needs. Eastcoast Building Approvals work with the design team from the initial stages of your project through to the issue of the Building Works Approval and inspection throughout the construction stage. We provide complete building certification services involving BCA assessment and continual building regulation advice, as well as inspecting the building during its construction to monitor compliance with the approved design and issuing the Certificate of Classification prior to its occupation . Our purpose at Eastcoast Building Approvals is to provide a safe built environment for the community and continue to develop the professional standard of the building certification profession. We provide excellent customer service and ensure our clients totally understand the building certification process.
Refer to services
Building Approvals
Building Code Advice
Energy Efficiency Reports
Building Inspections
Site variations to Queensland legislation
Preliminary Building Advice
Client Consultation
Obligation free quotes
All areas of building certification, including commercial, industrial & residential construction
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QBCC Licensed Building Certifier A81535
Member of Australian Institute of Building Surveyors (AIBS)
Member of Australian Institute of Building (AIB)
East Coast Building Approvals