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About East Coast Family Lawyers
Specialising solely in Family and Relationship Law, at East Coast Family Lawyers we are passionate about providing you with the best outcome for you and your family. We provide legal assistance across a range of family matters and de facto relationships throughout the Central Coast and Gosford areas. What's important to you, is our focus. We are available at your convenience and will always return your phone calls and emails within 24 hours. Our boutique firm strives to provide you with closure and peace of mind by achieving out of court settlements. Rest assured that your legal team are skilled negotiators and mediators, so you know we can handle your legal matter with confidence and experience. For a full list of our services or to book a consultation with one of our lawyers, call us today to find out how we can help you achieve the best result for you and your family.
Family Law
Separation & divorce
Property settlements
Parenting & children's living arrangements
Prenuptial agreements
De facto relationships
Child support matters
Negotiation & mediation
Early settlement processes
Court representation
Urgent applications
Prenuptial agreements (prenups)
Divorce in Australia including preparing and serving divorce papers
Legal separation issues
Annulment of marriages
Spousal maintenance
Binding Financial Agreements
Domestic and family violence and apprehended violence orders (AVOs)
Family Mediation
Legal aid for family law matters
Legal representation at Family Court
Child support enforcement of payments
Parenting plans for child custody & visitation
Parental rights, father's rights and grandparent's rights
Guardianship of children
Children's Court
Family & relationship law
Experienced negotiators
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Ways to Pay
Law Society of NSW
Hunter valley Family Law
Practitioners Association
Law Council of Australia
Member of the Central Coast Law Society
East Coast Family Lawyers