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About Empire Property Group Australia
Property Investment Empire Property Group Australia's main focus is creating passive income for retirement, by helping you build your very own empire! Our property strategists search for the right property, in the right location, at the right price and with maximum returns so you can derive maximum benefits from your chosen investment. It's common knowledge that there are 4 key ways to create wealth; either through business, the financial markets, buying investment asset purchases (such as artwork/collectables) and through property. Buying a property to rent out is a popular form of investment and for good reason! Houses and units are easier to understand and can carry less risk than many other types of investments, but investment property is not without its pitfalls. That's why it is critically important to do thorough research and follow proven strategies to ensure your investment is an asset not a liability at the end of the day. With EPGA you can utilise our expertise guidance and leverage off years of experience to cut through the vast amount of information and factors involved with a property purchase. Some of the benefits of investing in property Property can be less volatile than shares or other investments You can earn rental income and benefit from capital growth (if your property increases in value over time) If you take out a loan to purchase an investment property, interest on the loan and most property expenses can be offset against rental income, for tax purposes You are investing in bricks and mortar so it's therefore a tangible asset Debt Reduction Strategies EPGA have a partnership with mortgage specialist EFGA; our in-house finance team are focused on maximising your cash flow and eliminating your �bad� debts in the fastest way humanly possible. EFGA will review your position and tailor lending solutions for YOUR individual circumstances. With our proven debt reduction support program EPGA will hold your hand throughout the implementing process and beyond. We can provide one on one coaching to assist you with our state of the art monitoring software and in-depth training program managed by your personal coach. With the uncertainty of any guaranteed support from the government at retirement, the main focus is to take control of your future now, potentially relieving you of the worry and financial stress that an unplanned retirement will bring to most of Australians. EPGA do not provide any information in relation to particular credit products, nor do they provide financial advice and they do not charge a fee for referral to a credit provider. Property Finance Whether you are a first home buyer, already a home owner, new to investing or a seasoned investor looking to expand, we help set every day Australians up on the path to be financially free. Simply by applying effective and proven strategies you could dramatically reduce the term of your mortgage and create a passive income for retirement. Empire Financial Group Australia (EFGA) is a team of specialists who can guide you through the maze of hundreds of home loan options available in the market today. We strive to ensure the right products and services are selected for your individual circumstances at the outset. Visit our Finance page to learn more about the range of services we provide, or contact our team and we will match the right lending product to your specific needs. Tax Efficiencies With tax effective investment strategies EPGA can steer you in the best direction so you can potentially have THE holiday of a lifetime to look forward to when you retire. Why pay all of that tax if you don't need to? Nobody likes paying tax and the majority of Australians leave it until the end of year discussion with their accountant to see if there is any way they can reduce any tax liability. The problem with this approach is that it doesn't matter how good your current accountant is they cannot change what you already have done. You don't have to wait until the end of the financial year to have your tax return processed to see the benefits of your investment, and you may not have to tie your precious cash flow up patiently waiting for a tax return payment to offset your out of pocket expenses incurred by an investment property. We can show you how, with the correct strategy, you may be able to redirect weekly tax payable into geared investments (PAYG only). Why does the government provide tax breaks? They use these tax breaks to encourage people to actively plan their own retirement so that they don't have to fund your retirement. At EPGA we can help show you some simple strategies that will allow you to take advantage of your tax dollars and get them working harder to meet your goals and objectives. RETIREMENT PLANNING How much will you need to live in retirement? And will your superannuation be enough? Many Australians are too busy with work and family commitments to take the time to seriously consider their future until it may be too late. To achieve your goals it is vital that you have a plan in place. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail! Unfortunately without this plan in place you are likely to join the majority of Australians who will be living off inadequate superannuation and pensions in retirement. EPGA focus on property strategies for retirement and you don't necessarily have to change anything about your current lifestyle. You could have more options than you realise. Take the time to sit down with one of our specialist property team and plan your future today. Some serious facts about retirement: According to the Association of Superannuation Funds of Australia's Retirement Standard, to have a �comfortable' retirement, single people will need $430,000 in retirement savings, and couples will need $500,000. Many of us will spend more than a quarter of our life retired, as people are now living until an average age of 86 years (if you're male) and 89 years (if you're female). Life expectancy is expected to rise to 91 for males and 93 for females by 2050. So, you might need a lot more money for your retirement than you think. Unless you're counting on a lotto win or growing your own personal money tree, super can help you enjoy your retired days by allowing you to maintain a good standard of living, which isn't achievable by receiving just the Age Pension. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics: around 1.8 million people rely mainly on the Age Pension for their income in retirement around 575,000 people rely mainly on superannuation income in 2011-12, 50% of retiree couples had an annual income of less than $28,260 a year in 2011-12, 50% of single retirees had an annual income of less than $21,700 a year How much will you need for your retirement? To map this out in detail please use this retirement calculator:
Real estate consultants
Investment stategy advice
Property Investment
Debt Reduction Strategies
Property Strategies
Tax Efficiencies
Retirement Planning
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Empire Property Group Australia