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About Empowered Existence
Welcome to Empowered Existence, where we provide tailored education and evidence-based training in the heart of Geelong West. Our range of courses, including Youth Mental Health First Aid, Teen MHFA, and Standard MHFA, cater to schools, agencies, and organisations. We also offer bespoke training, education, and counselling for parents and carers of Young People. With our one-on-one psychotherapy and counselling, we provide ongoing support for young people and their families. Step into an empowered existence today!
Youth Mental Health First Aid (MHFA)
Standard MHFA courses
Bespoke training
Education and counselling for parents and carers of Young People
Tuning into Teens six week psychoeducation training
Tailored sessions for parents with specific needs of support
One on one Psychotherapy
Counselling for ongoing support for young people and/or their families
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