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Assistive technology assessments & recommendations NDIS
Falls prevention & personal alarm prescription
Home modifications: minor & major
Improving community access (including taxi subsidy & disability parking permit applications)
Qualified driving assessments & remediation
Mobility assessment & equipment prescription (including walkers & wheelchairs)
Task modification (e.g. showering, toileting, dressing, meal preparation)
Adaptive aids prescription
Specialised equipment prescription
Functional carer training: hoists & lifting equipment, aids.
Neurological rehabilitation
Worksite assessments & workplace ergonomic reviews, instant results
Assessment, treatment & prevention of movement disorders and injury
Hands-on manual therapy
Joint & soft tissue mobilisation
Post-surgical rehabilitation
Postural assessment for spinal, neck & back conditions
Tailored exercise prescription
Neurological treatment & management plans
TENS & mobile ultrasound
Advanced pain management
Nutrition assessment, diagnosis & intervention
Dietary management of chronic conditions such as Type 1 & 2 Diabetes
Tailored advice for healthy eating & weight management
Dietary support for specific conditions
Enteral feeding support
Assistance with implementing special diets
Support & advice for gut & bowel issues
Management of hydration & skin integrity
Dietary advice to promote wound healing & pressure care
Antenatal or postnatal dietary advice
Effective conversational speech
Safe eating
Mealtime satisfaction
Functional communication
Prevention, rehabilitation & progressive communication & swallow intervention
Assessment & remediation of swallowing difficulties
Communication solutions for deafness
Treatment of difficulties with speech, language, fluency & voice
Support for communication disorders
Massage therapy
Scar treatment & soft tissue therapy (barrier release & low level laser treatments)
Memory, dementia & cognitive support
Oedema management (management of acute & chronic swelling)
Pressure care management
Pain management
Yoga therapy
Connecting you with dance, art or horticulture therapies
Ergonomics and positioning for work & leisure
Advice on positioning & safe lifting for new parents
Upper limb rehabilitation
In home & telehealth
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Encompass Health Services