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Orthopaedic Footwear
Podiatry Services
Corn & Callus Removal
Nail & Skin Management
Plantar Wart Treatment
Wound Management
Diabetic Footcare
Biomechanical Assessments
Nail Surgery
Chronic Ingrown Toenails Removal
Removal of Pathological, Damaged or Unmanageable Nails
Custom-made Orthotics
Footwear Modifications & Advice
Friendly & Caring Staff
Wealth of Knowledge & Experience
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Ways to Pay
Bulk Billing
Registered NDIS Provider
Sports Medicine Australia & Australian Podiatry Association Member
Frequently Asked Questions
Why do you need an Biomechanical assessment?
A Biomechanical Assessment is a 45 - 60 minute appointment to explore how your current biomechanics relate or may have caused your current foot pain. A biomechanical assessment may also be required if you are concerned that your foot mechanics may be leading to early joint damage or to get advice on how you can improve you mechanics in relation to sport.
What to bring to your assessment?
To your appointment you should bring any imaging (X-rays, MRI, Ultrasound, CT etc.) that you have as well as any referrals from other health professionals. We often require information regarding your local doctor and any relevant specialists so that we can write a medical report if required.
Erina Podiatry