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About ESP Environmental Safety Professionals
ESP - Environmental Safety Professionals is a firm of Environmental and Occupational Health & Safety consultants who offer a wide range of innovative and cost effective environmental and occupational health & safety consulting services.
Asbestos Testing
Asbestos Removal
Environmental Consulting Environmental Testing
NATA Asbestos Testing Newcastle Asbestos Management Plans
OHS Consulting & Training
Asbestos Identification & Sample Analysis
Asbestos Air Monitoring
Asbestos Removals and Visual Clearance
Hazardous Materials Surveys / Asbestos Registers
Risk Assessment Reports
Occupational Hygiene
Indoor & Outdoor Air Quality Assessment And Monitoring
Mould Assessment & Management Plans
Noise Monitoring
Dust Monitoring
Environmental Consulting
Environmental Site Assessments & Remediation Plans
Environmental Air Monitoring
Soil, Groundwater and Water Testing
Environmental Noise Assessment and Prediction Modelling
Underground Petroleum Storage System Assessment Management and Compliance
Waste Management
Waste Classification
Off-Site Disposal Methods and/or Potential
Analytical Laboratory
Hazardous Materials
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Ways to Pay
Direct Debit
AS 4801 Certified Equal Assurance
ISO 9001 Certified Equal Assurance
Australasian Land and Groundwater Association (ALGA) Member
NATA World Recognised Accreditation
Member of the Australian Contaminated Land Consultants Association (ACLCA)
National Association of Testing Authorities (NATA) Accredited Laboratory
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