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Solar Panels
Solar Inverters
Hybrid Battery Systems
Off-grid (Stand Alone System)
Commercial Fit-outs
Switchboard Upgrades
Modular Homes
Underground Mains
Inverters Installation
Panels Installation
Solar Power System
Finance Available
LED Upgrades
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QLD Contractors No. 88807
Frequently Asked Questions
I can't afford to pay upfront for a solar system, does that mean I can't go solar?
No it doesn't mean you can't go solar. We have partnered with Brighte finance company to provide more valued options to our customers who want to be able to pay off their solar systems over time. We also provide the finance option on all your other electrical needs.
How long until my meter is installed?
Due to the national smart meter roll out in December 2017, called Power of Choice, we as a solar retailer no longer have control over the installation of the meter. This responsibility has now been handed over to the Energy Retailers (who you pay your power bill to).
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