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About Exopest
Founded in 1985, Exopest is one of the top pest control companies in Melbourne. We control timber pests (termites, borers, fungi), nuisance pests (spiders, ants, fleas), hygiene pests (cockroaches, rats, mice, bedbugs, flies) and warehouse pests (moths, beetles, weevils) by offering intelligent pest control solutions around your home, office or commercial premises. Our services have been thoroughly researched to not only address the pest infestation, but also address the migratory habits of the pests to ensure complete protection of your property, not just the treated area. When you call us you can be assured our qualified field and office staff will be able to help you.
Termite Inspections
Household Pest Control
Commercial Pest Control
Spider Control
Flea Pest Control
Wasp Removals
Bee Removals
Cockroach Pest Control
Silverfish Pest Control
Ant Treatments
Bed Bug Pest Control
Rodent Control
Borer Control
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Frequently Asked Questions
Where do bed bugs hide?
Bed bugs prefer to hide in cracks and crevices during the daytime and come out at night to feed on their victim. The blood meal takes three to five minutes and usually goes unnoticed by the victim; as the person is asleep! After feeding, the bite may become inflamed and itch severely in sensitive people. In extreme cases there may be a severe allergic reaction requiring urgent medical treatment.
What are termites?
Termites, often known as white ants, are wood eating insects. Termites are variable in size, colour, and shape. Termites are highly modified cockroaches and although they are often referred to as ‘white ants’, they are not related to the ant family at all.
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