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About Eyecare Plus Optometrist Macksville
Take the right steps in ensuring your eye health and vision with help from the optometrists at Eyecare Plus on the North Coast. With several conveniently located offices throughout Coffs Harbour and the surrounding area, we provide a full range of optical health checks. From general eye health to eye muscle control and glaucoma checks, our tests can help maintain eye health. The Checkup Plus Eye Examination is our thorough eye health test. We take a full health history then run checks to test for a range of possible issues. Our exam can help show issues with colour blindness, focusing issues, Amblyopia (lazy eye), macular degeneration and cataracts. Our Coffs Harbour stores also stock a huge range of contact lenses, sunglasses, spectacles and reading glasses. When it's time for you or your family's regular check-up, visit the optometrists at Eyecare Plus.
Contact Lenses
Prescription Sunglasses
Safety Glasses
Keratoconus Exam
Contact Lense Fitting
Sports Vision Assessments
Macular Degeneration
Colour Vision Testing
Optical Coherance Tomography (OCT)
Diabetic Exams
Children’s Vision
Dry Eye Treatments
Corneal Topography
Checkup Plus™
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Ways to Pay
Direct Debit
5 Star National Accreditation
Frequently Asked Questions
How much does an eye test cost?
Medicare benefits are payable for most consultations. Some additional fees apply for services that are not yet covered by Medicare. Our staff will be pleased to explain these fees.
Do you provide benefits for people with disadvantages?
Often there are people with a need for spectacles but who are not able to afford the cost, or part of it. Some state governments provide limited assistance for people in need. Please talk to our staff and they will be pleased to explain the eligibility requirements and how to make an application.
Eyecare Plus Optometrist Macksville