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About Smartline Garages
We are the Ballarat based stockists of Fair Dinkum Sheds. We use the highest quality materials, we only use Bluescope (BHP) products and quality Firm-a-door (B & D) Roller Doors, if colours of your garage aren't the same as the BHP product range then the chances are its made of an inferior imported product. Their are 19 available colours and zincalume. Custom sizes, we can make any width and length of Garage or Shed from 1.2m wide to a massive 35m wide in a single span.
Horizontal Clad Garage
Standard Double Garage
Dutch Style Carports
Flat & Gable Carports
Quakers Style Barns
American Style Barns
Genuine Bluescope Colorbond
Shed Extension
SOL Home Improvements
Garage Builder
Shed Builder
Customised Garage & Shed
Provide Site Specific Designs & Engineering Calculations
Quality Australian Steel Components
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Frequently Asked Questions
What types of footing are available?
With our range of sheds we have many types of footings, the most comon way is for the shed to by dynabolted to a slab. We also can extend the column into a pad footing, or insert u-bolts into slab or pad footing.
Why Choose a Smartline Garage?
We use the highest quality materials, we only use Bluescope (BHP) products and quality Firm-a-door (B & D) Roller Doors, if colours of your garage are not the same as the BHP product range then the chances are it's made of an inferior imported product. There are 19 available colours and zincalume.
Smartline Garages