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Breast Enhancements
Breast Reduction
Implant Removal & Replacements
Nipple Surgery
Scar Correction Surgery
Anti-Wrinkle Treatments
Dermal Fillers
Facial Peels
Venus Versa
Hernia Surgery
Skin Cancer Removals
Skin Lesion Removals
Carpal Tunnel Release
Minor Varicose Vein Surgery
Male Breast Reduction
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is involved with minor varicose vein removal?
If varicose veins are painful or unsightly they can be removed through a number of different non-surgical and surgical methods, depending upon the size and severity.
Who is a good candidate for anti-wrinkle treatment?
Anti-wrinkle treatments are a suitable and effective treatment for men and women either as a preventative measure for younger patients wishing to stop the initial formation of lines and wrinkles or for older patients wanting to minimize the appearance and prevent further development of existing lines and wrinkles.
Finesse Cosmetic Surgery Newcastle