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About Fire & Water Healing Centre
Sharon Hudson is a Maleny Naturopath, Nutritionist & Herbalist who has opened the Fire & Water Healing Centre, Shop 3/23 Maple street, Maleny above the Community Centre and open Monday - Friday. The Healing Centre has been a dream of Sharon's for many years. She has been an advocate of natural medicine her whole life. Indeed, her mother before her taught her many traditional uses and was a student of Dennis Stewart's in Western Herbal Medicine back in the 80's. Sharon's mum is now a super fit 83 year old in perfect health. After bringing up five children and using traditional medicine daily to treat family and friends, Sharon felt the need to combine her traditional knowledge with the latest discoveries and research, so she attended University. Through an intensive 4 years Sharon completed her Degree and has a Bachelor of Health Science Naturopathy, Bachelor Health Science Nutrition, Bachelor Health Science Western Herbal Medicine. She also studied Homeopathy, Bush Flower Essences, Iridology and other modalities.
Naturopathic practitioner
Naturopath services
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Fire & Water Healing Centre