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About Firebird ecoSultants
FloorInsure have over 15 years experience insuring carpet and flooring retailers, as well as the flooring industry's allied business and flooring contractors. Our experience and understanding of the carpet and flooring industry allows us to source policies specifically suited to your flooring business with no cost additional covers, superior policy wordings and outstanding claims service from dedicated staff who understand your industry. We offer a complete range of insurance policies for anyone in the flooring profession with advice tailored to your flooring business. So, if you're a flooring retailer, a commercial flooring supplier or retailer, a flooring contractor providing installation, restoration, cleaning or concrete polishing, warehousing, importing and logistics you need to call FloorInsure and get a quote. Your industry - your insurnce - your insurance broker - FloorInsure. FloorInsure is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ian Jones Insurance Brokers Pty Ltd, and a steadfast Group Ltd member since 1997. Steadfast is an Australian owned and operated publically listed company, comprising Australia's largest network of insurance brokers generating over $6 billion in premium last year.
Motor Vehicle Fleet and private vehicles
Flooring contractors public liability
Flooring import/export liability
Flooring transport and logistics
Flooring industry insurance brokers
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