About Flood Chalmers Meade Niddrie
When you require quality legal advice, whether you are buying or selling a house, drafting a new will or Powers of Attorney or have a matter on which you want to clarify your legal position, the team at Flood + Chalmers + Meade is ready to assist you. FCM and its predecessor firms have been providing clear concise and effective advice to its clients since opening its doors in Niddrie in 1961. We now provide advice to clients locally and throughout Australia and in the Music and Entertainment business we advise Australian and International clients. Our clients range from large international corporations to property developers to first home buyers to families making will and powers of attorney and all of our clients are advised with the same high level of expertise and direct contact. We are always happy to discuss your matter with you in person or by telephone.
Commercial Law
Property Law
Dispute Resolution & Litigation
Intellectual Property Law
Music & Entertainment
Retirement Village Law
Aged Care Law
Estates & Wills Law
Powers Of Attorney
Copyright Law
Contractual Law
Reviewing Contracts
Commercial Litigation
Contract Disputes
Lease Disputes
Debt Recovery
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