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About Flory's Homes
When you want to make the dream of becoming a home owner a reality call Flory's Homes in Tolga. We are the experts in custom-designed and kit homes made from quality steel framing and trusses. As locals we know the harsh conditions of the tropics, which is why we've made our products using a building method that is cyclone rated. Our quality builders specialise in creating energy efficient and eco-friendly steel-framed house designs. We also have a wide range of kit plans available to choose from sure to suit every lifestyle. Looking to build a personalised home design? We'll work with you to create your perfect home, from concept through to completion. Come down to the Flory's Homes Tolga office or jump online to see our extensive range of plans. We also have step-by-step guides that are included in our plan packages. Call today to get started on your dream home.
Steel wall frames & trusses
Manufacturer of steel wall frames and trusses
Residential projects
Commercial projects
Custom home designs
Kit homes
Construction advice
We can advise you on:
Preliminary plans & costings
Interior design advice
Energy efficiency - lighting & rating
Termite management
Lodging building approvals
Private certification
Pre-purchase land advice to suit your home design
Site management
Passive design
Build to completion or to lockup stage
Slab on ground
Elevated floor systems
Free preliminary plans
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Ways to Pay
Qualified Carpenter
QBSA 1097802
HIA Member
Master Builders Queensland Member
Frequently Asked Questions
Are steel frame homes cheaper than other building options?
Due to the inherent advantages of steel framing, the time spent on site is drastically reduced and hence reduces costs. A reduction of costs also occurs due to not having to introduce additional termite prevention measures. You will move into your home quicker and on budget if choosing the steel frame option.
Are your structural components suitable for cyclone-prone areas?
As long-term residents of Far North Queensland, Superior Steel Frames know how important a strong frame is for minimising cyclone damage. All of our steel products come with varying cyclone resistance, up to the highest required rating for Queensland (C3). We can also provide a full set of engineered construction issue plans up to the relevant cyclonic wind rating.
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